• Lifestyle

    Week Vibes

    Yesterday we spent all morning and early afternoon picking for Classic Cottage Co. then I took a MUCH needed LONG nap. Meanwhile Aaron worked on recording some new tunes. Btw, can’t wait for y’all to hear what he’s about to release!! Other Highlights • I finished one of the most beautiful dresser & chest sets. • One of my most favorite brands reached out to partner together.. more on that coming soon! • I got behind on laundry (Yep, it happens even for those of us without children) and chose to not feel guilty about it. • Just learned spaghetti sq

  • Lifestyle

    Week Vibes

    Happy Sunday! The Summer is flying by. In fact, Aaron and I just booked a quick Summer getaway a few hours ago!! Yesssssss!! June was good to us. After my sister left town last Sunday, I had the Monday blues. So I threw myself into work and reading books as hard as I could to get my mind off missing my sisters. I was determined to end June with a big bang business wise & it paid off. Classic Cottage ended June strong. Other Highlights • Aaron made good progress on our powder room downstairs. • I finished one of the best books I’ve read in the past year. It’s called…

  • Lifestyle

    Week Vibes

    Happy Sunday evening! The hugest highlight of my week was seeing my older sister Kayla and her family. Kayla lives 12 hours away so this is a rare occasion. She also brought her 8 month old daughter, Emmy Kay. It’s been an incredible week. Other Highlights • Aaron played at the Mason Jar in Auburn last Saturday night! • We found two more kittens. Yep, our little kitten has brothers. We’re in the process of finding homes for the other two babies. • Emmy Kay (my niece) came to Alabama for the first time. She had her very first taste of Auburn’s specialty, lemonade from Toomer’s Drugs. • September Ocean…

  • Decor,  DIY

    Bathroom Project Update

    We recently began working on our powder room downstairs. All of our home improvement projects are paid out of pocket as we go and our time is limited. So, you can imagine our projects are a tad bit slow moving.. So far, we’ve been able to work on the powder room one weekend and we got a good bit done!! N E W    S I N K It’s not exactly a new sink.. more like a new to us one-of-a-kind custom design sink. Using an old authentic white farm sink. We’ll talk more on this later! B E A D B O A R D   +   P A I…

  • Items I Love,  Lifestyle

    My Keurig Days Are Over

    Never thought I’d say it but my Keurig days are indeed over. Keurig is one of the rmain reasons I began drinking coffee. My mom bought me a Keurig for Christmas 2013. She said it was from my “hot chocolate”.. One thing led to another, then I began dating Mr. Coffee Lover and now I can’t live without it. T H E    T A S T E It began with Aaron. He no longer liked the taste on Keurig coffee. A year later, I started noticing a plastic-y taste. I much preferred coffee from a restaurant or coffee shop. It just tasted so much better. T H E   …

  • Lifestyle

    Week Vibes

    Another weekly catch up! This week was fairly quiet around Le’ Bowman house. Over the last weekend we worked on the powder room downstairs. Still have a good ways to go but it’s already looking nice! Other Highlights  • We said goodbye to May. Ha, I think it’s safe to say Summer is officially unofficially here! • I said bye bye to my Keurig and bought a kettle and dripper for pour over coffee.. might I add the dripper is SEXXAY! • We (I) ate lots of fresh cherries this week. • I finished the book YOU THINK IT, I’LL SAY IT. It was different/weird but I gotta admit, each…

  • Classic Cottage Co.,  Lifestyle

    Comparing Springs… Ups & Downs

    I mentioned in a post published on New Years that my business struggled last Spring. Now that it’s the first of June, I think it’s safe to compare Spring of 2017 to Spring of 2018. I truly hope this post brings you encouragement. (Throughout this post you’ll see pictures from the early days) Last Spring I nearly gave up on my business. I built this business from $0.25 items at yard sales. Truthfully, it was a steady build. Then Spring of 2017 came and my sales STOPPED. (Classic’s Opening Day. Not the best quality pic, sorry)  Oh no! Nothing was selling. Looking back, I had made some bad buys and lost…

  • Lifestyle,  Recipes

    Memorial Day Menu

    Memorial Day is a few days away! We’re hosting Aaron’s family on Friday & having a BBQ. I love my country and therefore love to observe every patriotic holiday. Here’s Our Menu STARTERS Fresh Fruit Spinach Artichoke Dip On the Grill Smoked Boston Butt Portabella Mushroom Burgers SIDES Pasta Salad Baked Beans DESSERT  More Fruit Homemade Ice Cream We just recently learned not all of the family is able to make it.. so we’ve scaled back this menu just a bit. HOWEVER, we’re still planning on having a good ol’ time! Stay tuned.. I’ll be posting some quick Memorial Day decor soon!!

  • Classic Cottage Co.

    Classic Cottage Co. is EXPANDING.. AGAIN!

    We’re so excited to officially announce Classic Cottage Co. is expanding for the fourth time. It’s easy to see our location at Angel’s Antique in Opelika, Al is busting out of the seams. Our inventory is still moving as fast as we can with the space we have. Our last expansion at this location was last July. Aaron and I were so proud to have a larger space in a corner location with our custom design. We are now seizing the opportunity to nearly double our amount of floor space by expanding out to the booth directly beside us. In other words, our current booth IS NOT relocating.. only getting bigger! The…

  • Classic Cottage Co.

    My Vintage Booths in March

    Another month has passed so it’s time for a monthly recap for March on my booths. Apparently, many of you are interested in my antique business. (Insert BIG Karlee smile here ☺️) March was a great month for us! Mirrors Sold  I know, how random is that?! We were selling mirrors left and right. Ha, I’m still trying to catch the mirror stock pile up from March. Small, large, rustic and french – a wide variety of mirrors sold all month long. Comparing Springs As I’ve said before Spring of 2017 was painfully slow for us. I mean PAINFULLY!! ?However, so far this Spring we’ve managed to turn the tide…

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