From Karlee's Heart,  Lifestyle

Using What You Have and Being Grateful

This has been such a time of worry, sadness and anxiety. It’s been heavy. Even so, I have found a sense of grounding in gratitude and that’s come from using what I have. Honestly, it’s unlike anything I have ever felt before.

It’s all in the little things. The other day I couldn’t figure out what to make us for lunch. I saw pasta and threw together a little pasta salad not using the ingredients I would typically use. I’ll tell you, as I dug through my pantry and fridge, I became so grateful for each item I could find to throw in a pasta salad. Some carrots that were on the verge of going bad, a can of corn and a leftover lemon.. who knew we could find such thanksgiving for these things! 

Never before have I been so excited to find a leftover can of paint. Now I can do a DIY project!

I was so thankful to find a few extra bags of potting soil to repot some plants I bought weeks ago. 

See, it’s the simplest things!! This list could go on and on. Finally for the first time in my life I’ve had time and reason to pause and be grateful for the smallest things. I encourage you to find gratefulness in the smallest things throughout your day. Honestly this type of attitude has really helped my anxiety. It has shifted the focus from the problem to the positive. 

Always remember, it’s the little things. Thanks for letting me share my heart with you today. 


  • Susan

    History can teach us so many great things. I wonder what we will feel like we learned through this strange time in life.
    I hope I will remember how much I wanted to see and hold our sons and their families. And how happy I was they were doing their best to keep themselves safe. I also hope I remember the appreciation I felt toward the owners and workers of our local restaurants, grocery stores, truck drivers, all of the hospital staff including the nurses and doctors putting themselves in harms way every day.

    • Karlee Bowman

      What beautiful words you wrote in this comment, friend! I do wonder what the history books will say about this time and what our reflection will think of! I also think of the children who are old enough to remember this time. Wonder what their memories will be. I’m so thankful for those who are still working right now. You take care!

  • Stacy Eggers

    I was so excited to find meet and butter on the shelves at the grocery the other day. My husband is furloughed and is using vacation time. He apologized for us not being able to go on vacation this year because he is using his time up. I cried he is so sweet. The time I am spending with him right now is more valuable than any vacation would be. I have learned to value what is important, God and my family.

    • Karlee Bowman

      Stacey, you just brought tears to my eyes. Honestly, right now we can see those things that truly matter more now than ever before! Health and family over vacation. Enjoy the time together!

  • Cathy

    Hi, I loved you heartfelt message I have watched you and noticed you as you reach out to us that you are softer not so anxious. Unfortunately I still have a lot of anxiety within my soul, my boys they are men 4 of them in California and I have moved to a small mining town in New Mexico I know I am meant to be here in this rural beautiful area but mamas worry. I want to thank you for being you and letting my mind rest for a bit you are doing a great job and I am proud of you. Cathy and furry little ones lily, zoey, and hazel ❤️🐶❤️

    • Karlee Bowman

      Aww, Cathy! You’re so sweet. You’re not the only mama worrying. My own mom begged me not to go into Walmart the other day when I needed some simple household items. It’s such tough times to be away from family. Thank you so much for leaving me this comment.

  • Melissa

    I love your stories and blog! You always try to find the good in every situation and stay positive. I’m grateful to have found you on IG

    • Karlee Bowman

      Melissa, you’re so kind! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate the encouragement. You take care!!

  • Yvette Kirschner

    Thank you for opening up and being you it’s been a few rough weeks it’s the unknown that gets my anxiety starting. I’m so grateful I’m able to find food to feed my family especially in August my nephew moved in with me cause my sister passed away and he had no where to go. I remember when I went to NY to see my sister in the ICU I looked at my nephew and the look of fear over came him that night when we got back to his house my fiancé said to him when the time comes you can live with us don’t worry about that. I knew it would be a struggle to feed another adult and make sure he’s ok cause he has a heart condition and couldn’t live alone plus afford a place in NY. When this virus started my greatest fear was feeding everyone. My fiancé and I were suppose to go on vacation we were so excited to finally have a break and within a few days of us going everything was cancelled so my fiancé took some of the vacation money and got meat, veggies and 50 pound bag of rice and I said thank you I’m able to feel ok now we might not have a bill paid but at least I know we won’t go hungry. I’m so grateful for the smallest things and I enjoy watching your stories with Aaron and your furbabies it brings me joy and helps me to pass the time.

    • Karlee Bowman

      Wow, that was so smart of your fiancé. It’s been such a tough time for everyone. Your nephew is blessed to have you!! Hugs, friend!

  • Phyllis

    I always love your post and love seeing the pets too. You have given a lot of inspiration to me and others I’m sure. Love all you do and can’t wait to see how your nails turn out. I always watch Charlotte doing hers and I’m just not sure how easy it is but I’m sure you will let us know soon. Thanks for all you do to help everyone with what to shop and buy for there homes. Have a bless day.

  • Kim

    Karlee, thank you for sharing your heart. There couldn’t be a more perfect message right now. I feel the same way, so grateful for every little thing!

  • Lisa Marks

    I just love following you!!! You have inspired me to love my home again! I am sooo Grateful for my safe home especially in this crazy world ❤️ So Thank You!!!

  • Patrice adair

    Karlee B always keeping it real and from her heart and soul ! It’s one of the main reasons I follow you – your inspirational and I need that with everything going on – positivity but real ness as well. I have many family members that are nurses and in the health care field. One of them at this point, is only working with Covid patients 🙁 it’s a long story, but she stays with me when she is working 2 days in a row (overnight shifts) and I am constantly worried about her. The reality is that she will, at some point be infected, we just pray that it is tolerable and not life threatening. You make me worry less and smile every day and for that I thank you and count you as one of my many many blessings !! Stay true to you and be well!! 💛❤️💛

    • Karlee Bowman

      Thank you for encouraging me. We’re so blessed to have nurses and doctors right now. I will say a prayer for her!

  • Pam Goode

    Thank you! This is a very uplifting reminder of what’s important! 🙏❤️Prayers for you and your family! Prayers for the WORLD! 🙏🙏🙏

  • Rhonda

    LOVE your posts and stories, Karlee!
    Your sweetness comes through in all that you do! 💕Keep doing what you’re doing, it’s what you were meant to do…God has a plan, follow
    Him!!! It’s what we all need to do!!!🙏🏻

  • Tracy K

    I just love your sweet demeanor and positive attitude. So happy to have found you on IG. I look forward to your blog posts and watching your IG stories daily. Thank you for all you do!

  • Carey

    I wholeheartedly agree.
    The little light for me in all of this is, that it has reminded everyone to slow down and appreciate not only what ya have, but EACH OTHER. I have gotten the opportunity to spend so much more quality time with my family and I have seen so many other people get to do the same. Panic is subsiding in my community & people are being more neighborly (of course while distancing) with each other and not so focused on themselves. It gives me hope every time I witness this kind of goodness.

    We are in this together & we will recover together!

    • Karlee Bowman

      Carey, you’re right! I know Aaron and I needed this slow down for sure. You stay healthy! Thank you for reading my blog!

  • Rebecca Overstreet

    Crying so hard. Crying that yes. It is the small little things we ( ME ) often take for granted. I thank God daily for my groceries. My books. My treasures that I’ve ever so carefully collected over the years. I’m so thankful for my modest little house I call home. I never have nor will take one thing for granted. Thank you Karlee so much for your words and I’m so thankful I found you on the gram! I so look forward to your stories daily. They’re my ray of sunshine. God bless you and yours always

    • Karlee Bowman

      I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been thankful for my books during this time. It really is the little things. Thank you so much for your kindness. You take care!!

  • Claudia

    Hi, karlee,

    I just want to say that I’m in love with everything you are doing around your house so inspiring. And yes this is a definitely an experience with what’s going on out there. I will definitely will have a couple of pieces of paper that I will laminate. My permission letter from the Va for us to go to work. And this form we have to have in our windshield saying we don’t have an illness. Amazing. But I love your home and decor and puppies 🐶♥️♥️♥️Keep it up.

    • Karlee Bowman

      Aww, thank you so much for still going to work during a time like this. Thank you for the kind words and taking the time to read this post. Stay healthy!

  • Rita Mitchell

    Hi Karlee
    I’m one of the “ole folks” that have looked back on how a family of 13 lived and Never done without.
    Grace, and so I have been putting those things I learned into practice all my life! 68 yrs young. We can live a much Simpler life, not want or even need as much as we think. When I retired, God gave me Matthew 10 in MSG bible. I read it continually.
    I love your instagram, and especially your music!
    I’m “ole” but my Spirit is YOUNG! I’m glad Our Lord is teaching us, wooing is, loving us, and always with us.❤️🌹🥰

  • Linda Hammack

    I’miss new here and really enjoy a peep into your life. You’re the sweetest.!!!!!The other day I was really struggling,in fact it was April 1st.My husband of fourteen yrs had passed away on this date six yrs ago. Something shifted instead of feeling sorry for myself for being alone,,I just started being grateful. Grateful I can pay my bills,,grateful for Ozzy my cat,,and grateful period. Life could be so much harder than it is. This is just a blip in te it too shall pass. Love your stories n your cat lol. Take care, ,A sista friend

    • Karlee Bowman

      Linda, I’m so sorry about your husband. I can’t imagine. You’re right. It helps when we’re just grateful for what we do have. Thank you so much for reading my post. Stay healthy, friend!

  • Stacy Gross

    Thank you for sharing this. I follow you on Instagram but needed to read this today. Yesterday I got furloughed without pay from my job! I was so blindsided. I am 60 years old but found myself crying over the phone when HR called me to tell me the news. I was bitter because this is my only source of income. But then I realized I had been praying for God to protect me from the public and allow me to stay home. And now I am grateful that He answered prayer. You are right, it’s gratefulness and the little things that make a good life. I am crying as I write this with gratitude and joy for sweet young ladies like you who spread the love!

    • Karlee Bowman

      Aww, I am so sorry. But it does sound like it could be an answer to prayer. I’m praying all of this will be over soon. You keep you chin up, friend! Sending you hugs!

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