The Cobbler Recipe My Family Uses
Here’s an easy, easy cobbler recipe I just have to share. My grandmother has been baking this recipe for many years. She passed down the recipe to me. I’ve been using it for nearly 5 years, and it’s NEVER failed me!
In fact, this recipe is how I landed my amazing husband. ? He bought a ring shortly after I baked this cobbler for him. Single ladies, this is one recipe you might wanna memorize!
What you’ll need –
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup flour
1 Cup Milk
1 Stick Melted Butter
2 Cups Fruit
What you’ll do –
1)Preheat oven to 375.
2) Spray baking dish with nonstick baking spray.
3) Mix sugar, flour, milk, and melted butter.
4) Fold in fruit (A few hours before baking, I had picked some black berries out of the back yard. So, fresh black berries is the fruit I used. However, you can use any fruit. Example – canned/fresh peaches, apples, cherries or blue berries.)
5) Bake for 1 hour.
6) Enjoy!! (Aaron always adds a scoop of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla.)

Aileen H Gay
Karlee, my Mama pasded the same recipe to me and I’ve been making it since 1961! The only difference is I merely put my fruit in the bottom of my dish and pour the flour, sugar, milk, butter mixture on top of the fruit! I love fresh blueberries or fresh peaches or fresh blackberries or any combination! Yummy!
Karlee Bowman
That’s very interesting!! I’ll have to give it a try!!
Amy Morissette
Looks delicious! I have a recipe just like this! It is so easy and we always add a scoop of blue bell vanilla, too! Good stuff!!!
Karlee Bowman
It’s a good one for sure!!! Bluebell is a must!!!!