Ahhh, My House Feels Sooooo Empty – After Holiday Home
Some of us dread it. Some of us love it. It’s the after Holiday emptiness of our home. We’ve had orange decor and pumpkins, turkeys and acorns, and Christmas trees and garland. For the past few months our homes have felt festive and full. Suddenly it feels empty.
I’m somewhere between love and dread when it comes to this after holiday emptiness. I love the simplicity and routine that comes with January; however, the house can sometimes feel a bit cold and empty. Here’s what I do to combat that empty feeling – I plan!
No – I can’t go to World Market and hit up the antique mall and buy a bunch of AWESOME pieces to fill the after Holiday void. Ummmm, can you say “budget”…Not to mention how pricy Christmas just was!! Nor do I even need to purchase extra “things”.
Instead, I take a step back and think of maybe a piece or two I want to invest in for 2019. Maybe a nice cabinet or large wall art. I focus on how I may could budget that awesome piece for 2019. Maybe you want to change out the coffee table. Well, now’s the time to start Pinteresting what you want and set aside a little money for it.
Also, now’s the time to do some DIY projects inside the house. Maybe freshen up the paint in a room (buying a can of paint can go a long ways in a space), change out a light fixture, or make a chalkboard wall. It’s cold outside so now’s a great time to work on the interior of your home.
Plan what you want your home to look like in 2019. Plan for any major purchases you’d like to make. When packing up the Christmas tree it’s hard to know if you should drown your tears in one last peppermint mocha or celebrate the fresh simple start with champagne. Girl, I say make a mimosa and start planning what your want for your home in 2019.

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