25 life lessons for 25
Today I turn 25. Here’s 25 facts and lessons I’ve learned throughout my years.
1 – “Inch by inch life’s a cinch, yard by yard life’s hard” -Mom (Later realized the quote originally came from John Bytheway.
2 – I can always count on my big sister.
3 – It’s okay to be seen without make up and your hair thrown up in a ponytail.
4 – Babies are cute but the new mommas are the real superheroes.
5 – Seasons change.
6 – Yes, seasons change. However, that only happens four times a year so enjoy the season of life you’re currently in.
7 – When you get heartbreaking bad news, it’s okay to throw your phone. Just remember, you’re going to have to be the one to pay for a new one.
8 – Family will disappoint and break your heart but REMEMBER they’re still your family.
9 – If you don’t like a book, you don’t have to finish it. Find a new one.
10 – Baking is good for the soul.
11 – My big sister once told me I could fly. I believed her and tested the theory.
12 – Childhood flies by. I know this thanks to my baby sister, Kelbee Grace. Seems like she was born yesterday.. it’s been nearly a decade.
13 – Life is fun when you’re married to your best friend.
14 – It’s certainly okay to splurge but ALWAYS check the clearance rack.
15 – Trim the ends of your fresh flowers so they’ll last longer.
16 – Creating a pretty space is never a waste of time.
17 – Dreams are great, but reality is much better. So, make your dreams a reality.
18 – Always say yes to grabbing a taco with dad.
19 – Never allow someone to rush you when making a decision.
20 – Preserve and use family recipes.
21 – You can never have too many candles.
22 – People care a lot less than you think they do. Just be yourself.
23 – When you’re the talk of the town, put on your high heels and take it as a compliment.
24 – Deuteronomy 31:6 is true.
25 – Life isn’t perfect but it’s good.
These are the blooper pics!!

Faye Hornsby Abrams
Love it
Karlee Bowman
Thank you!
Aileen Holland Gay
Good lessons learned!
Karlee Bowman
Sandi Burroghs
Love this!! And love you!!??
Karlee Bowman
Thank you!!
Dorothy Herndon
I really enjoy your blog so much. I love your decorating ideas.
For being only 25 you’ve learned some valuable life lessons…I love them!
Karlee Bowman
Aww, thank you!! I so appreciate you reading my post!