25 life lessons for 25
Today I turn 25. Here’s 25 facts and lessons I’ve learned throughout my years.
1 – “Inch by inch life’s a cinch, yard by yard life’s hard” -Mom (Later realized the quote originally came from John Bytheway.
2 – I can always count on my big sister.
3 – It’s okay to be seen without make up and your hair thrown up in a ponytail.
4 – Babies are cute but the new mommas are the real superheroes.
5 – Seasons change.
6 – Yes, seasons change. However, that only happens four times a year so enjoy the season of life you’re currently in.
7 – When you get heartbreaking bad news, it’s okay to throw your phone. Just remember, you’re going to have to be the one to pay for a new one.
8 – Family will disappoint and break your heart but REMEMBER they’re still your family.
9 – If you don’t like a book, you don’t have to finish it. Find a new one.
10 – Baking is good for the soul.
11 – My big sister once told me I could fly. I believed her and tested the theory.
12 – Childhood flies by. I know this thanks to my baby sister, Kelbee Grace. Seems like she was born yesterday.. it’s been nearly a decade.
13 – Life is fun when you’re married to your best friend.
14 – It’s certainly okay to splurge but ALWAYS check the clearance rack.
15 – Trim the ends of your fresh flowers so they’ll last longer.
16 – Creating a pretty space is never a waste of time.
17 – Dreams are great, but reality is much better. So, make your dreams a reality.
18 – Always say yes to grabbing a taco with dad.
19 – Never allow someone to rush you when making a decision.
20 – Preserve and use family recipes.
21 – You can never have too many candles.
22 – People care a lot less than you think they do. Just be yourself.
23 – When you’re the talk of the town, put on your high heels and take it as a compliment.
24 – Deuteronomy 31:6 is true.
25 – Life isn’t perfect but it’s good.
These are the blooper pics!!

Faye Hornsby Abrams
Love it
Karlee Bowman
Thank you!
Aileen Holland Gay
Good lessons learned!❤️
Karlee Bowman
Sandi Burroghs
Love this!! And love you!!??
Karlee Bowman
Thank you!!
Dorothy Herndon
I really enjoy your blog so much. I love your decorating ideas.
For being only 25 you’ve learned some valuable life lessons…I love them!
Karlee Bowman
Aww, thank you!! I so appreciate you reading my post!