My Adult Busy Bag
Hi! So we’re doing a little Spring travels this weekend. We’re making it a quick combo trip and seeing both Aaron’s family and my sister’s family. From Alabama to Kentucky to Indiana then from Indian back to Alabama – we’ll be spending a lot of hours in the car.
Growing up, my mom used to pack us “busy bags” when we went on trips. Ha, now I wonder if a “busy bag” is an actual thing or just something mom made up. Hmmmm, have you ever heard of a busy bag?
Well, now as an adult, I still have a busy bag. (I think my sister Kayla does too!) Over the years is has matured a little. I’ve traded my coloring books, fruit roll ups and children’s fiction for more grown up items.
What’s in it?
The essentials – books, magazines, chapstick, lipstick and laptop. Just a few items that can keep my attention for hours.
I usually bring along two books just in case one is a bummer. However, all the books in the Outlander series is amazing so no worries there!Magazines
Magazines are a must too.. sometimes my eyes get tired from reading so I like to look at pictures in magazines (child moment.. again). I read both The Magnolia Journal and The Farmhouse Movement cover to cover ever issue.
Let’s face it – long trips can me you feel yucky. Having these two items make me feel human again. Also, I like to have the lipstick on hand to freshen up before seeing any family or friends.
Duhhhhhh.. Cause I’m a workaholic.
Thanks you Initial Outfitters for the sweet, sweet cosmetic bag! It makes for happy traveling!
Drums of Autumn Book – Click Here
First Book in the Outlander Series – Click Here
The Magnolia Journal – Click Here
The Farmhouse Movement Magazine – Click Here
Eos Lip Balm – Click Here
Mac Lipstick – Click Here
Cosmetic Bag – Click Here
Tote – Click Here
(Some of these links are affiliate links)

One Comment
So glad you are loving your IO cosmetic! I have so many of these little bags to *try* to keep my purse organized!